When Colonel George Custard decides to build a glitzy new hotel in Hernia, outraged residents protest the project. Soon after, the colonel is found shot to death at the PennDutch Inn. Now Magdalena Yoder must find out who caused Custard's last stand-and save her beloved town...
"Fans of this popular series will certainly be pleased with Magdalena Yoder's most recent adventure. This time out, the Hermia (PA) inn-owner and sleuth tackles a murder in her own establishment: someone has killed wealthy entrepreneur Col. George Custard, who planned to build a five-star hotel in the Amish-Mennonite community. Despite her brash attitude, Jewish boyfriend, 12-year-old foster daughter, caustic but funny remarks, and overall in-your-face technique, Magdalena manages to succeed. Broad, sometimes self-deprecating humor, nonstop action, off-the-wall incidents, and idiosyncratic characters result in clever entertainment for all collections."
—Library Journal